Thursday, November 11, 2004

St. John The Ashcroft Steps Down

John Ashcroft has resigned and left us all porn panderers a little bereft. After all, he was the best and most ridiculous enemy we’d had for years.

We saw him sing a song he wrote himself, cover up art that made him blush with its classical nudity, heard him thump his chest and declare war on porn with the same gravity his boss declared holy war against the oil pirates.

Now he’s gone. And that’s maybe a little scary. Because Ashcroft wore his morality as a badge, we knew where we stood with him.

Who will replace him, now? What new, unknown factor is going to propagate the war against our businesses?

It took a crafty accountant to bring down Al Capone, crafty and creative justice carried out fairly and justifiably. But that kind of cunning can just as easily be borne wrongly against anyone perceived as an enemy – including we the people.

The Ashcroft resignation is nothing if not odd, even suspicious. And the new AG head of the DOJ will have to put up with great scrutiny and screening by the adult industry, if only to understand where the next attacks will be coming from.

After our collective sigh of relief, we cannot afford to breathe too easy.

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